Credit for Experience & Prior Learning

Prior Learning Credit

生肖买马网站 recognizes several pathways for the assessment of prior learning, which includes learning that was not obtained in the traditional classroom setting such as work and volunteer experience, military training, workshops, 专业认证, etc. 我们鼓励学生生肖买马网站所有的选择. Students seeking credit for prior learning must be formally admitted (matriculated) into a degree program and also must meet the minimum program residency requirement in order to be awarded a degree at YCCC.

Requests for prior learning credit should be made during the admissions process or shortly thereafter, 在学位规划的考虑. 关于接受所有先前学习学分的最终决定取决于YCCC.

Credit Limitations

Students may earn up to 75% of the total credits required for graduation through a combination of all forms of prior learning (transfer and articulated credits, portfolio, CLEP credit, AP credit, ACE credit, etc.) Credits earned for learning that occurred prior to admittance will not count toward the academic residency requirement. All students must complete at least 25% of their program credit hours directly through YCCC. 虽然通过先前学习获得的学分将计入学位要求, any grades and/or credits received will not be included in computing the grade point average (GPA).


YCCC accepts credits awarded for courses taken at other regionally accredited post-secondary institutions, 只要成绩达到“C”或以上(“C-”不予转学). Simply request an official transcript from the originating college/university to be sent directly to:

Office of Admissions
112 College Drive
Wells, ME 04090
Phone:/Fax: (207) 216-4409
Once received, you may be asked to obtain a copy of the college catalog or official course description in order to assist in the credit determination. Courses transferred from other institutions will not be used in computing the student’s YCCC grade point average (GPA).


YCCC认可一些基于国家或国家标准的认证. After 接受证书或学位课程, you may request prior learning credit by providing a copy of your valid certificate to your Faculty Advisor or by calling/texting (207) 216- 4401 or emailing

Below are examples of the types of certifications we will consider recognizing for credit:

  • Adobe认证的Illustrator专家
  • Adobe认证Photoshop专家
  • 欧特克认证用户凭证
  • 儿童发展助理
  • 认证幼儿助理
  • SolidWorks认证助理
  • CISCO Certifications: CCENT Certification; CCNA Certification; Networking Discovery Program-Modules I and II
  • CompTIA Certifications: Net+ Certification; A+ Certification; Security+ Certification
  • EMT基础-紧急医疗技术员
  • 一级和二级消防员证书
  • iso9001主审核员认证
  • Maine Criminal Justice Academy: Basic Law Enforcement Training Program (BLETP); Law Enforcement Pre-Service Training; Basic Corrections Training Program
  • 缅因州质量之路:婴幼儿证书
  • MHRT-I:一级心理健康康复技师
  • ServSafe -食品处理员认证
Credit by Exam

The college awards credit for examinations based on current American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations. 考试机构的正式成绩单必须送到学院. 以下列表包括考试和分数信息:


AP exams are taken after completing a year-long AP course at a participating high school. 出于信用考虑,a minimum score of 3 is required. 有关AP课程的信息,请咨询您的指导顾问或访问 大学理事会的AP网页.


CLEP考试由美国大学理事会管理. 他们目前在全国各地的考点提供33门科目的考试, 包括我们地区的几家. 访问美国大学理事会网站获取更多信息. Scores of 50 or better 在YCCC被接受记入学分.

DSST Exams

The nationally recognized DSST Program helps you receive college credits for learning acquired outside the traditional classroom through a suite of more than 30 exams 在各种大学学科领域. YCCC follows the American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service’s (ACE CREDIT) guidelines for awarding credit. 在你所在的地区找到一个测试中心 GetCollegeCredit的网站.


Brigham Young University (BYU) offers a testing service to measure proficiency in many foreign languages. These exams are designed to evaluate a student’s ability in conjunction with the first three semesters of a language track, 为学生提供获得最多12个学分的机会. 考试分及格/不及格. 学习如何安排在线考试 BYU’s FLATS webpage.


The IB is a non-profit educational foundation that works with schools and educators around the world. 他们为中学生提供类似于AP考试的高级考试. We require a minimum score of 5 在YCCC被考虑记入学分. 标准水平考试不获学分. Visit the 国际文凭网站 for more information.

Credit by Portfolio

YCCC offers prior learning assessment through portfolio evaluation to award potential academic credit for learning acquired outside of the typical college setting. 学生可能会因为可验证的学习而获得学分,但不仅仅是经验. Students must show evidence that demonstrates how their learning is equivalent to college-level learning, meeting the learning objectives of an approved YCCC course as prescribed in the official course outline. 基于满足“C”级或更高水平的内容和表示标准, 信用记录为“通过”。. 学生可以通过作品集评估申请学分. 学生必须在学位课程,并已完成至少6个学分, 包括ENG101大学作文. Students can initiate this process through their Faculty Advisor or a member of YCCC Enrollment Team.


YCCC has partnered with several area secondary schools to offer credit for competencies that are gained in these settings. 大多数协议每两年审查和更新一次, 有时由于项目的变化会更快. Credit awards will be based on the agreement that corresponds with your year of completion for the participating program.



YCCC recognizes proficiency for various trades and technical occupations where a student has completed a formal registered apprenticeship program and desires to earn an AAS in Trade & Technical Occupations. Students seeking prior learning credits for an apprenticeship program must provide documentation to verify successful completion, i.e. 证书或结业信.

YCCC是中国基督教青年协会的学院会员 U.S. 劳工处注册学徒学院联盟(RACC).

Workplace Training

Students who have completed any training program that has been evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE) can submit course completion certificates or exam scores and receive college credit based on the recommendations published in ACE CREDIT的全国指南. 学生必须进入学位课程才能申请学分. 何时获得学分, they will appear on the YCCC transcript as prior learning credit and not be used to calculate the student’s grade point average (GPA).

Military Training

如果你在军队服过役, 你可能有资格获得经验和培训的学分. The American Council on Education (ACE) military evaluations program is funded by the Department of Defense (DoD) and coordinated through DANTES. 你可以搜索所有军种提供的课程 ACE Military Guide. ACE推荐的学分通常满足您在YCCC的开放选修学分.

社区教育 & 职业培训计划

YCCC’s 劳动力培训和专业发展部 offers training that may translate to college credit for students seeking to continue their education by earning a credit certificate or associate’s degree. 当前衔接协议的列表,请访问我们的 Credit for Experience & Prior Learning  page.

Contact Us

112 College Drive
Wells, ME 04090
(207) 216-4409

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